Click here to register.

For Non-Profit or under 10 employee pricing, call (913)764-1050 or email


Basic Booth – $250 ($150 for non-profits or companies with less than 10 employees)

  • 1 general location booth (see map)
  • 2 meal tickets
  • $300 for non-chamber members

Gold Booth – $500

  • Gold tier booth location (see map)
  • Gold Sponsor company branding and imagery on promotional material for 2024 Career Expo
  • Guaranteed square with business related clue on 2024 Career Expo Bingo Card (see example)
    • Students are incentivized to visit different booths relating to clues on bingo card. When they find the booth corelating to a clue, the company rep will stamp their bingo card.
    • Gold sponsors are guaranteed a clue on the card related to the company.
  • 2 meal tickets

Diamond Exhibit– $2000

  • Corner exhibit location (see map)
    • Stationed in corner of room.
    • 6+ tables enclosed with center space for activity.
  • Diamond Sponsor company branding and imagery on promotional material for 2024 Career Expo (see flyer)
  • Featured on center space of 2024 Career Expo Bingo Card (see example)
    • To fill out “free space” on card, students must go to that company.
  • 6 meal tickets

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities (*contact if interested)

  • Additional Meal Ticket ($20)
    • Required to get lunch.
  • Additional Booth Space ($250)
  • Spotlight a career or program at your company on 2024 Careers at a Glance Handout ($300)
  • Company Logo on Career Expo Map ($100)
    • Without this, booths will be characterized by plain text.
  • Entrepreneur’s Corner Sponsor (*call for pricing)
  • Naming rights for 2024 Career Expo (*call for pricing)